The Glasgow Wrestling Club Invitational set participation records across the board this year with 25 clubs represented by 575 wrestlers! Breaking last year’s record of 549. It is the fifth consecutive year we have broken an all-time attendance record. The Highlanders had the largest team in attendance with 90 kids on the mat Saturday. GWC had a GREAT day and ended up with 18 individual Champions and an outstanding 53 top four finishers! Thank you to our parents and volunteers for stepping up and putting on an event that we can all be proud of.
On Sunday, many of those same Highlanders were back on the mat in Malta at the “Cover the Court” event. Malta’s tournament featured 19 clubs and 368 wrestlers. GWC brought the second biggest squad with 53 entered into the tournament. Only the tournament host had more competing. The Highlanders had another great showing; finishing with 8 Individual Champions and 40 top four finishers!
Next Saturday, the Club will be headed to the MonDak Open in WIlliston, North Dakota.
Glasgow Invitational
John Kittleson
Duncan Markle 4th
Brands Casterline 1st
Harrison Ames
Jaxon Sharbono 1st
Ripp Newton
Caleb Morehouse 4th
Newt Knaff 1st
Indie Marks
Rebie Redfield
Taya Sundeen 1st
Nora Knodel 2nd
Hayden Flaten 3rd
Justin Miller
Rhett Murch 3rd
Lucas Beer
Jax Pankratz 2nd
Frank Pattison
Nels Redfield
Haidyn Kling
Atikis Gerrard
Miles Henry 4th
Silas Hopstad 4th
Erickson Chochran
Trigg Newton
Michael Ames
Jeffrey Knodel
Harrison Kemmis
Kai Trott
Kayson Murch 3rd
Theo Marks 1st
Zander Downhour 4th
Sienna Yoakam 2nd
Saylor Thompson
Viona Casterline 2nd
Aurora Markle 1st
Lily Newton 3rd
Brenley Flaten 3rd
Howard Redfield
Tenzin Gonzalez 4th
Declan Cochran
Dayton Markle 4th
Ledger Kaufman 1st
Ryker Yeska
Orrin Mason 4th
CJ Sillerud
Colt Knaff 2nd
Sylas Egleston
Tyler Henning 4th
Buddy Cole
Abbey Nyenhuis
Olive Marks
Archer Henry
Rygan Gamas 2nd
Taryn Sundeen 3rd
Porter Hopstad
Collins Flaten 3rd
Tate Lehner 1st
Jett Morehouse 1st
Murdock Pattison 1st
Walker Kirkland 3rd
Whit Ozark
Milo Marks
Eli Holinde 1st
Knoxsen Harris
Kase Shumway
Sumyt Gonzales 4th
Josiah Hernandez 3rd
TenLea Sundeen 1st
Kennedy Flaten
Gwen Torres 4th
Harlee Vandermars 4th
Lyla Lehner 3rd
Sheila Mason 1st
Madisyn Murch 1st
Thomas Cotrell
Asher Wersal 4th
Anders Aune
Taden Sundeen 1st
Tucker Twitchell 4th
Townes Lefdahl
Zane Cotrell 1st
Ashton Earll 4th
Riley Pattison 2nd
Carley Egleston 4th
Rylee Birkoski 2nd
Josie Hartwell
Addison Hughes 4th
Aubree Holindee 1st
Cover the Court (Malta)
Rebie Redfield 3rd
Indie Marks 3rd
Taya Sundeen 2nd
Hayden Flaten 1st
Duncan Markle 1st
Harrison Ames 2nd
Jaxon Sharbono 4th
Sienna Yoakam 1st
Aurora Markle 1st
Brenley Flaten 2nd
Justin Miller 2nd
Theo Marks 4th
Lucas Beer
Rhett Murch
Jax Pankratz
Nels Redfield 4th
Haidyn Kling
Michael Ames
Miles Henry
Harrison Kemmis 3rd
Kayson Murch 4th
Archer Henry 3rd
Collins Flaten 1st
Olive Marks 3rd
Taryn Syndeen 2nd
Rygan Gamas 1st
Howard Redfield 4th
Tenzin Gonzales 4th
Ryker Yeska
Orrin Mason 3rd
CJ Sillerud
Tyler Henning 4th
Sylas Egleston 3rd
Buddy Cole 4th
TenLea Sundeen 3rd
Harley Vandermars 4th
Lyla Lehner
Madisyn Murch 1st
Milo Marks
Whit Ozark
Walker Kirkland 1st
Eli Holinde 3rd
Kase Shumway 2nd
Sumyt Gonzales 2nd
Josiah Hernandez 3rd
Josie Hartwell
Thomas Cotrell 2nd
Asher Wersal 2nd
Anders Aune
Taden Sundeen 2nd
Zane Cotrell 3rd
Tucker Twitchell 4th
Townes Lefdahl 2nd