The Glasgow Highlanders started practice on Monday January 6th and by the weekend they were ready to compete! GWC brought the largest team to this past Saturday’s Wolf Point Invitational. There were eleven different clubs in attendance, but none bigger than Glasgow’s sixty three competitors! Our future Scotties picked up right where they had left off at the end of last season. GWC was led by an incredible 19 Individual Champions and 49 Top three finishers. Glasgow led ALL teams in attendance with 108 total victories. 83 of those 108 wins came by Pin or Technical Fall (winning by 15+ points). Very impressive opening weekend to say the least.
This upcoming weekend, the majority of the club will compete Sunday at the “Little Cowboy” in Miles City, while others will attend Helltown Throwdown in Helena or the Wild West Championships in Casper, Wyoming.
Wolf Point Invitational Results
Indie Marks 4th
Rebie Redfield 5th
Taya Sundeen 1st
Hayden Flaten 2nd
Nora Knodel 1st
Brands Casterline 1st
Duncan Markle 3rd
Jaxon Sharbono 1st
Newt Knaff 1st
Viona Casterline 1st
Saylor Thompson 3rd
Aurora Markle 1st
Brenley Flaten 2nd
Theo Marks 2nd
Rhett Murch 3rd
Arlie Hoerner 3rd
Jax Pankratz 2nd
Nels Redfield 2nd
Frank Pattison 3rd
Miles Henry 2nd
Atikis Gerrard 5th
Silas Hopstad 2nd
Jeffrey Knodel 4th
Declan Cochran 3rd
Kayson Murch 4th
Abbey Nyenhuis 3rd
Olive Marks 3rd
Archer Henry 1st
Poter Hopstad 2nd
Taryn Sundeen 1st
Collins Flaten 1st
Howard Redfield 1st
Erickson Cochran 4th
Tenzin Gonzales 5th
Rowen Thompson 3rd
Dayton Markle 2nd
Orrin Mason 2nd
CJ Sillerud 4th
Colt Knaff 3rd
Tyler Henning 4th
Buddy Cole 3rd
Sylas Egleston 5th
TenLea Sundeen 1st
Kennedy Flaten 1st
Lyla Lehner 1st
Harlee Vandermars 3rd
Sheila Mason 2nd
Murdock Pattison 2nd
Whit Ozark 5th
Knoxsen Harris 4th
Eli Holinde 4th
Sumyt Gonzales 2nd
Riley Pattison 1st
Carley Egleston 2nd
Josie Hartwell 3rd
Madisyn Murch 1st
Thomas Cotrell 1st
Taden Sundeen 1st
Tucker Twitchell 2nd
Zane Cotrell 1st
Townes Lefdahl 3rd
Ashton Earll 4th
Leighton Chapman 3rd