WHAT: Glasgow Wrestling Club SIGN-UPS
WHERE: Busted Knuckle
WHEN: Friday, October 4th / 4:00 P.M-7:00 P.M.
WHO: Any child age 4-18
BRING: First time wrestlers please bring a COPY of your State issued birth certificate

Glasgow Wrestling Club Annual Spaghetti Feed / Pie Auction Fundraiser
When: Thurs., April 8th : Spaghetti Feed 6:00 P.M. / Pie Auction 7:00 P.M.
Where: Elks
What: $5 per person / $20 per family for spaghetti feed. Pie auction to follow.
Why: This event helps fund GWC wrestlers with their out of state travel expenses. This fund also helps fund expenses for summer wrestling camps, local clinics. ALSO 50% proceeds go to the NEW GWC FACILITY!
The Glasgow Wrestling Club will be hosting registration on Saturday, December 8th from 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. at the Glasgow High School (Room 1).
Sign-ups will occur during the High School tournament. The board felt this would lead to maximum exposure for our veteran wrestlers, as well as a time to answer questions for any new incoming parents/wrestlers. Please bring your child and take in a great day of competition. They truly deserve our support.
This year’s High School event should be EXTRA special. We are bringing in OVER 20 teams from around the state. We will have 4 mats going the whole day and under the lights for the championship matches. Friday afternoon we will also be hosting dual matches with over 15 teams. Should be a GREAT weekend of wrestling here in G-town!
Registration fees remain unchanged this year and will be $70 for the first child, $60 thereafter and a $200 maximum per family. Each wrestler will also be required to sell 1 book of raffle tickets (10 tickets). As compared to around the state, we are significantly lower than most clubs and intend to keep it that way. The board will make every effort to keep costs down to ensure maximum youth participation in the great sport of wrestling.
Costs associated with running the club have been increasing annually with rising insurance costs, tournament entry fees, etc. In order to combat that, we continue the raffle from last year in order to offer some great prizes and increase participation. The club purchased a 2019 Honda 4-Wheeler purchased from Scott’s Track N’ Wheel. Markles Ace Hardware was generous enough to donate an amazing barbecue grill AGAIN this year. Eugenes, Reynolds and Ezzies once again donated prizes for the raffle.
Please do your best to get out and sell these early; as the club has already purchased the 4-wheeler in advance.
The schedule stacks up very nicely for our wrestlers. We are starting our season earlier this year, in order to maximize participation and time on the mat. Our first practice is slated for Monday, January 7th.
If you are receiving this message, it means your child has wrestled with us in the past. We are truly looking forward to working with your child again this year. Please help spread the word to any/all kids or families that are interested in joining the club this year. If you (or interested parents) have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call!
Please take the time to download and print off the registration form and fill it out before you arrive. This will speed up the registration process. If you don’t have a printer, have questions or just want to fill it out at the school, that is fine too.
Hope to see you there!
Brady Flaten
Glasgow Wrestling Club-President
810 7th Ave. North
Glasgow MT, 59230
(H) 406-228-2896
(C) 406-939-0209
The Glasgow AAU Wrestling Club will be hosting sign-ups this Saturday, December 9th from 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. at the Glasgow High School (Room 1). Sign-ups will occur during the High School tournament. The board felt this would lead to maximum exposure for our veteran wrestlers, as well as a time to answer questions for any new incoming parents/wrestlers. Please bring your child and take in a great day of competition. They truly deserve our support.
This years High School event should be EXTRA special. We are bringing in OVER 20 teams from around the state. We will have 4 mats going the whole day and under the lights for the championship matches. Friday afternoon we will also be hosting dual matches with over 15 teams. Should be a GREAT weekend of wrestling here in G-town!
Registration fees remain unchanged this year and will be $70 for the first child, $60 thereafter and a $200 maximum per family (scholarships ARE available. Please email bflaten@yahoo.com for more info.) Each wrestler will also be required to sell 1 book of raffle tickets(10 tickets). As compared to around the state, we are significantly lower than most clubs and intend to keep it that way. The board will make every effort to keep costs down to ensure maximum youth participation in the great sport of wrestling.
Costs associated with running the club have been increasing annually with rising insurance costs, tournament entry fees, etc. In order to combat that, we continue the raffle from last year in order to offer some great prizes and increase participation. The club purchased a 2018 Honda 4-Wheeler purchased from Scott’s Track N’ Wheel. Markles Ace Hardware was generous enough to donate an amazing barbecue grill this year. Eugenes, Reynolds and Ezzies once again donated prizes for the raffle.
Please do your best to get out and sell these early; as the club has already purchased the 4-wheeler in advance.
The schedule stacks up very nicely for our wrestlers. We are starting our season earlier this year, in order to maximize participation and time on the mat. Our first practice is slated for Monday, January 8th.
Saturday, Dec 9 GWC Sign-ups Glasgow High School
Wednesday, Dec 27 Alumni Clinic/2nd Sign-ups Glasgow High School
Wednesday, Jan 3 GWC Coaches Meeting Glasgow High School
Monday, Jan 8 GWC 1st Practice Glasgow Middle School
Monday, Jan 8 Parent Meeting Glasgow Middle School
Saturday, Jan 13 Wolf Point Invitational Wolf Point, MT
Sunday, Jan 14 Little Cowboy Miles City, MT
Thursday, Jan 18 GWC Pictures Glasgow Middle School
Saturday, Jan 20 Zach Anderson Memorial Williston, ND
Saturday, Jan 27 Highlander Invitational Glasgow High School
Saturday, Feb 3 Havre Invitational Havre, MT (MSU-N)
Thursday, Feb 15 Minimum 1 BOOK RAFFLE TICKETS SOLD DUE
Saturday, Feb. 17 Poplar Invitational Poplar, MT
Saturday, Feb 24 Eagle Invitational Sidney, MT
Thursday, Mar 1 Spaghetti Feed/Pie Auction Elks Club
Saturday, Mar 3 Glendive Invitational Glendive, MT
Fri/Sat, Mar 9-11 State AAU Great Falls, MT
Saturday, Mar 18 Circle Invitational Circle, MT
Fri/Sat, Mar 17-18 Black Hills Nationals Spearfish, SD
Fri/Sat, Mar 17-18 Rocky Mountain Nationals Denver, MT
Fri/Sat, Mar 24-25 MT Open Billings, MT
Sunday, Apr 8 End of Year Pizza Party El Cor Del Lanes
Our annual spaghetti feed / pie auction fund raiser will take place THIS THURSDAY @ the ELKS @ 6:00 P.M. Cost is $5 per plate and/or $20 per family. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and helps with out-of-state competition, summer camp/competition compensation, as well as 50% of the proceeds going towards a NEW GWC FACILITY! As you know, nearing 90 members (a new record) we are really pushed for space in the East Side basement. We encourage everyone to attend and invite your extended family and friends. The older kids will help serve the spaghetti and some of the younger kids will be showing off pies during the auction. It should be a great time. We have also reserved The Connection for kids to go during the auction (6:30-8:30). They will be supervised and will not be allowed to leave until parents pick them up. If you have any questions, please let me know.
When: Thurs., March 2nd 6:00 P.M. / Pie Auction 7:00 P.M.
Where: Elks
Why: This event helps fund GWC wrestlers with their out of state travel expenses. This fund also helps fund expenses for summer wrestling camps (both in house and sending kids to summer camps). ALSO 50% proceeds go to a NEW GWC FACILITY!
The Glasgow Wrestling Club will be hosting sign-ups Saturday, December 10th from 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. at the Glasgow High School (Room 1). Sign-ups will occur during the High School tournament. The board felt this would lead to maximum exposure for our veteran wrestlers, as well as a time to answer questions for any new incoming parents/wrestlers. Please bring your child and take in a great day of competition. They truly deserve our support.
This years High School event should be EXTRA special. We are bringing in OVER 20 teams (over doubling the size of the tournament). We will have 4 mats going the whole day and under the lights for the championship matches. Friday afternoon we will also be hosting dual matches with over 15 teams. Should be a GREAT weekend of wrestling here in G-town!
Registration fees remain unchanged this year and will be $70 for the first child, $60 thereafter and a $200 maximum per family. Each wrestler will also be required to sell 1 book of raffle tickets(10 tickets). As compared to around the state, we are significantly lower than most clubs and intend to keep it that way. The board will make every effort tokeep costs down to ensure maximum youth participation in the great sport of wrestling.
Costs associated with running the club have been increasing annually with rising insurance costs, tournament entry fees, etc. In order to combat that, we continue the raffle from last year in order to offer some great prizes and increase participation. The club purchased a 2016 Honda 4-Wheeler purchased from Scott’s Track N’ Wheel. Farm Equipment Sales was generous enough to donate an amazing gun safe this year. Eugenes, Reynolds and Ezzies once again donated prizes for the raffle.
Please do your best to get out and sell these early; as the club has already purchased the 4-wheeler in advance. More details will be available at Sign-ups.
The schedule stacks up very nicely for our wrestlers. We are starting our season earlier this year, in order to maximize participation and time on the mat. Our first practice is slated for Monday, January 9th. We host our tournament this year much earlier than normal (January, 28th).
We will also have some apparel from past years that we need to clear out, available at sign-ups. Great Christmas presents!
I would like to give a big thanks to ALL our coaches, parents, grandparents and of course WRESTLERS for an outstanding weekend of wrestling. Our Middle School wrestlers that competed in Choteau/Butte over the weekend did great and the kids that competed at Poplar did outstanding as well. I’d like to thank those parents that volunteered to work a scoring table this weekend. It’s difficult to find time to volunteer during a tournament. It’s a selfless sacrifice and the club and kids appreciate it. Thank you for your dedication!
One quick bit of house keeping before we move on to the heavy stuff. Please do your best to let a coach (or me) know ASAP if you are scratching for a tournament that your child has registered for. It is a real pain for tournament planners to deal with late scratches. The earlier the better. We obviously want to avoid scratches at all costs, however, we fully understand that unexpected events come up. Thanks!
We have another packed week of events so PLEASE read this email closely.
Mon. 2/22: 5:30 / 6:30
Tues. 2/23: 5:30 / 6:30 *Weigh-ins for Williston* *GWC pictures for ALL AGES*
Wed. 2/24: 3:45(OLD KIDS ONLY) *Weigh-ins for Havre*
Thurs. 2/25: 3:45-5:15 (OLD KIDS ONLY)
Fri. 2/26: NO PRACTICE
Pictures are going to take place THIS TUESDAY, 2/23 @ the Middle School. Carin Barnett will be in the gym @ 6:00 to take any individual pictures for older kids practice. We will then have a joint practice/group photo @ 6:30. The little kids will get individual pictures taken after group picture. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING CLUB SHIRT ON TUESDAY! You may also want your child to take their individual picture in their singlet. Picture packets are available in the basement of the Middle School or use the enclosed attachment in this email. Even if you do not want individual pictures, please plan on having your child take part in the group photo @ 6:30.
Our spaghetti feed / pie auction fund raiser will also take place THIS THURSDAY @ the ELKS @ 6:00 P.M. Cost is $5 per plate and/or $20 per family. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and helps with out-of-state competition, summer camp/competition compensation, as well as 50% of the proceeds going towards a NEW GWC FACILITY! As you know, nearing 80 members (a new record) we are really pushed for space in the East Side basement. We encourage everyone to attend and invite your extended family and friends. The older kids will help serve the spaghetti and some of the younger kids will be showing off pies during the auction. It should be a great time. We have also reserved The Connection for kids to go during the auction. They will be supervised and will not be allowed to leave until parents pick them up. If you have any questions, please let me know.
When: Thurs., Feb. 25 6:00 P.M. / Pie Auction 7:00 P.M.
Where: Elks
What: Please bring 2 homemade pies (No need to bring bars for desert this year, the club will be providing desert)
Why: This event helps fund GWC wrestlers with their out of state travel expenses. This fund also helps fund expenses for summer wrestling camps (both in house and sending kids to summer camps). ALSO 50% proceeds go to a NEW GWC FACILITY!
Williston and Havre (Middle School) informational flyers are in the attachment and a revised practice schedule for this week. The younger kids (5:30 practice) will only be practicing on Monday and Tuesday. We will have weigh-ins on Tuesday for Williston this weekend (due to no practice on Thursday). If you are unable to make Tuesday’s practice but want your child to compete in Williston, please respond to the email so arrangements can be made. Weigh-ins for Havre Jr. High tournament will take place @ Wednesday’s practice. The older kids will also be practicing after school on Thursday, until 5:15. That should leave enough time for the wrestlers to get home, clean up and make it to the Pie Auction.
If your child has not gotten their raffle tickets into GWC board member Jodi Dix, please do that ASAP!
We are HOSTING the Glasgow Wrestling Club Invitational NEXT weekend, Saturday March 5th. We will be seeking out parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents or anyone willing to volunteer to help us host another outstanding event. We take great pride in putting on a first class event and the only way that is possible is with everyone pulling their weight. Volunteer sheets will be posted in the basement of the Middle School this week. Please do your part and sign up for a task that is needed or interests you. We will be reaching out to as many parents as possible. Don’t be shy 🙂 If you have questions, please ask.
I would also like to encourage you to “like” our facebook page Glasgow Highlanders Wrestling Club. If you post your best action photos on our facebook page, it makes it a lot easier for me to pick through the best ones for the local media publications. It’s also another avenue to get important information reminders. We also have a twitter account @gwchighlanders and a youtube channel. If you would like to download some matches on our youtube channel, let me know and I’ll get you the login info.
Remember, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me (email, text, phone), a veteran parent, board member or coach. Thanks again for a great week!
Brady Flaten
GWC President
*PARENTS* GWC pictures are scheduled for next Monday, Feb. 16 @ 6:30 at East Side School. Picture forms have been emailed and they will also be available at Thursday’s practice. Club shirts will also be distributed on Monday, so please make sure your child is in attendance.
The Glasgow AAU Wrestling Club will be hosting sign-ups this Saturday, December 13th from 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. at the Glasgow High School in Room 1. Sign-ups will occur during the Jr. High / High School tournament. The board felt this would lead to maximum exposure for our veteran wrestlers, as well as a time to answer questions for any new incoming parents/wrestlers. Please bring your child and take in a great day of competition. They truly deserve our support.
Registration fees will be $70 for the first child, $60 thereafter and a $200 maximum per family. Each wrestler will also be required to sell 1 book of raffle tickets (10 tickets). As compared to around the state, we are significantly lower than most clubs and intend to keep it that way. The board will make every effort to keep costs down to ensure maximum youth participation in the great sport of wrestling.
Costs associated with running the club have been increasing annually with rising insurance costs, tournament entry fees, etc. In order to combat that, we have revamped the raffle this year in order to offer some great prizes and increase participation. The club purchased a 2014 Honda 4-Wheeler from Scott’s Track N’ Wheel. Farm Equipment Sales was generous enough to donate an amazing BBQ Grill valued at $500. Eugenes, Reynolds and Ezzies Midtown once again donated prizes for the raffle. Please do your best to get out and sell these early; as the club has already purchased the 4 wheeler in advance. More details will be available at Sign-ups.
The schedule stacks up very nicely for our wrestlers. We will be hosting the first tournament of the season on February 21st. We also have local tournaments in Glendive, Sidney and Wolf Point. In the past we’ve been stuck with a subpar local schedule. That is not the case this year. The above clubs do a great job hosting tournaments. We should travel well and have a successful season.
Feb. 2- 1st Day Practice / Parent Meeting 6:30 EAST SIDE SCHOOL Library
Feb. 20- Minimum 1 Book SOLD Raffle Tickets DUE
Feb. 21 Glasgow Invitational
Feb. 21 Pizza Party @ Bowling Alley following tournament
Feb. 21-22 Cyclops @ Butte
Feb. 26 Spaghetti Feed / Pie Auction @ ELKS
Feb. 28 Glendive Invitational
Mar. 7 Sidney Invitational
Mar. 14-15 STATE AAU @ Great Falls
Mar. 21 Wolf Point Invitational
Mar. 20-22 Rocky Mountain Nationals @ Denver
Mar. 28-29 Montana Open @ Billings
Apr. 11-12 Smith/McCarthy (Freestyle/Greco) @ Butte
Apr. 25-26 State Freestyle/Greco @ Livingston
May 10 End of Year Banquet @ Bowling Alley
We would like to thank all the parents, coaches, volunteers and wrestlers for an outstanding season. Please join us for an afternoon of fun and recognition this SUNDAY, APRIL 13th 2:00 P.M. for our end of the year bowling/pizza/awards event. 8 wrestlers will receive the prestigious HIGHLANDER AWARD. The club will provide the pizza and 1 hour of free bowling. Hope to see you there!